Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tree work

The ISLAND painting will continually have posts so look back to find the beginning. (Like pushing start to stop on the computer  LOL)

This is from the Islands painting....The Large OLD rain forest trees are so powerful you have to look up!

This is a painting that was part of a group of paintings
on the subject of future energy


The challenge
for the generations to come
is to find a way to use the energy of the trees
without cutting
then down !!!


  1. Old trees just have an energy of their own. If I stand still and quiet they almost seem to "talk".

  2. Hi Rae,
    So nice to see your submission to my first Artist's Play Room! I absolutely love your work, trees are right in my wheelhouse as I live in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I've seen the old growth forest here and I must admit I'm a tree hugger, which is what they call nature lovers here. (although I've been known to hug an actual tree many a time. lol.) I love the strength of a tree and your paintings capture that magnificently. THank you for your beautiful submission, I'm honored.
    Jenn of

  3. Those trees are so beautifully done and I love them as your entry... happy to hae found you through Artists Play Room and now happily following so I won't miss any more of your wonderful work...xx

  4. Hi Rae. Love the connection -- physically and mentally. We can convey so many meaningful messages through art. Coming from artist playroom last week. I'm slowly getting around. Blessings Terri
