Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Moving up and down

Poetry Jam
poem from a painting                  I have always loved the movement in this painting
 Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2    by Marcel Duchamp

Moving Up And Down

I do the climb
I am moving
I am walking
 Going down, in, or out at once to save time.

Much is mechanical daily movement
propelled by
 necessity and requires steps I find.

The steps I take just
for wonder sake
are always
the ones that memories make.

Slow and for no reason 
to cherish the movement
capture the freedom
shown in this paintings line.


  1. Indeed, so much in life is mechanical. We do things over and over again without thought..but it is when we get step out from the box that memories are made. I do like the painting you chose, though I really don't SEE the nude.

  2. This is a wondrous stanza:

    "The steps I take just
    for wonder sake
    are always
    the ones that memories make."

    Pleasure to read your work and see the much-admired painting that inspired it.

  3. cherish the movement...I like that line.

  4. I like what you did with the inspiration from this painting! Excellent thoughts.

  5. Awesome poem. That painting is stunning. Thanks for sharing it..


  6. Wowww.....your lines are so good....

  7. I loved reading what you feel when you see this painting. Enlightening as a painter myself. Inspirational.

  8. The combination of the art, poem form and the words ~ works beautifully.

    1. Helen I saw your note to Sreeja, you should try painting. I am sure you would love it!!!

  9. it is very cool how the artist uses the lines to capture fluidity of movement telegraphing the figure forward...and your exposition on it is nice as well giving reason to the movement...mechanical has a great double play in this as well...

  10. i agree with Kim...those lines really run along and bring the thought to life...thankyou

  11. Thanks for all the nice connents! A different way to show the human figure that got my attention years ago.The prompt made me go back to it to rethink what the painting "said" to me today. Poem was just the words I typed the first try so it was a quick type and I am glad you liked it.

    I just goy back from a 9 day 300+ mile self-supported bike ride so moving slow, thinking about making memories, and doing something for the pure fun of it was on my mind at the time.The painting could be biking down hill, not nude and no bike but the movement is there for sure.

  12. stunning! i've never seen this painting before but it is as if it was painted in response to your words rather than the other way around. wonderful!!!

    thank you for participating at Poetry Jam!

    my heart's love songs

  13. Lovely. Especially "the steps I take just for wonder sake".
