Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You Can Go Home Again

You Can Go Home Again

poetry jam

Through memory and treasured thoughts
I travel back in time to see.
Not every day or every moment
but things important to me.

Christmas brought many thoughts
of cherished days gone by.
Making cookies, lighting candles,
and smells of pumpkin pie.

Babies to hold and diapers to fold
and awaking baby noise.
All take me back to years before
with crumbs and many toys.

Quiet time and back to the norm
soon to come my way.
Playing with toys

Eating Christmas deserts

Caring for babies
Bringing four generations together
Going Home Again
For Me!


  1. LOvely!!! Sounds as if you have had a lovely time! Love that photo of your mom and the baby! So precious

  2. The house is now quiet but I miss everyone.
