Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stripes on our land

Poetry Jam

Stripes On Our Land

Made by sun and shadow

Carved into the land

Grown from seed

Written by man

in need

All effect out point of view
All stripe not just black and white
All need to be seen for what they are
All we write is not all always right
by far

Stand in the shadow and look at the sun
Feel the natural curves of the land
Plant love with seeds for the food we eat
Learn the meaning behind the words of man
then repeat

We may be at a crossing point

We may be spinning round and round

We seem to need to controll
 the stripes  that we put onto this land

to make then roll at our command

Not so easy,
things just do not go as we write or plant or plan

Nature has its own order to the confusion
So I Guess
Stripes upon this land
must be planned
Nature and by Man !


  1. Rae Ann, I had to fix your link again. I suggested last week that you test your link yourself before posting it so that you knew it was the correct link.

    1. I thought that I did it seemed to work orry no idea what is going wrong

  2. Great poem and great pictures, really good how the blend and melt into each other

    1. It was fun to think and write. I had so many photos to choose from for this one

  3. Your poem and pictures were fascinating. I very much enjoyed your creative take on 'stripes.' A VERY nice contribution this week. So true that stripes are made either by nature or man; and both are beautiful indeed.

    1. I needed a photo of Government at work writing but all I had was the Springfield Govenrners office....The Elvis in the window added lines of music I guess lol

  4. What a wonderful display of stripes... I especially like:

    Learn the meaning behind the words of man
    then repeat

    1. I think there are words spoken/written that really do not really mean what they say and there is need for "reading between the lines". Thinking of stripes this was is different to say the least

  5. I too enjoyed the blend of the pictures and the words. And indeed there are so many kinds of stripe-makers as well as different kinds of stripes! Thanks for sharing this.

    1. First thing I thought of were the Photos of the harvest making stripes on our land then I thought about the TV news and their continual walking from right to left to right to left and now there are stripes in our government. When you think about it there are lines everywhere!

  6. This is a really nice pairing of visual image and words! Obviously, much thought has been put in here! nice response to the challenge!

    1. It is fun to do this whether the poetry is good? well that is another thing. Yes there is thought to every post

  7. This one like all challenges was fun and I did not even get to post my painting of zebras....LOL

  8. What an incredible collection of stripes .. so many varieties reflected in your poem.

  9. feel the curve of the land....nice...i like that part...and we do tend to try and bend them to our will...but it is surely not an easy thing to do...smiles.

  10. nicely done.....thaniks for sharing all

  11. Stripes to this land... you really cover a LOT with this poem. I liked "feel the curve of the land" Will we ever listen, will we ever learn. Sigh.
