Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Insight on Light

Poetry Jam


The color of air,
not colorless affair.

Colors flow
fill all spaces,
bounces off faces,
shines off places,
enchant those who know.

dreams and closer looks.
Joyful adventure, interest to grow.
Color moving is life reflections.
gives depth and gives dimension,
adds wonder to double connections.
Air moves color
around us with flow,

Sun rays and rainbows
are sky arches to splendor.
Connect our thoughts to vision,
our visions to the inner inventor.

Creativity brings new color to reach
Rainbows reconnect to color unleashed
Prism of spender
brighten our views,
filtered through trees
filter through thoughts.
This air CAN teach.
you must remember.

energized with air,
captured like rain
blends with the moisture,
doubles life energy,
bubbles with care.

Light builds Insight
adventures renewed.
Around us, surround us,
creativity's food.

(The computer will not rotate the image so use your mind and rotate counterclockwise)

This is a new painting and poem I finished last night...this morning I opened poetry jam to find the prompt    WOW


  1. Must be serendipity that you finished that painting right in time for the prism prompt. LOL. Beautiful painting, by the way! You are very talented.

    As for the poem, my favorite lines are:

    "Color moving is life reflections.
    gives depth and gives dimension,
    adds wonder to double connections.
    Air moves color
    around us with flow"

    It is color that adds wonder, isn't it? A black and white world wouldn't be as spectacular as what we can see when we add the color! I enjoyed your poem.

  2. that is a really cool painting...all the color and texture as well and motion to look at for a while...i like that blend you do there in the end with the color and moisture and it doubling back bringing life...

  3. OK now the painting is taped to my wall for a photo but it is still rotated wrong LOL

  4. Adventurous indeed! Beautiful painting. Creative poem. What a lovely response to this prompt!!!

  5. reativity brings new color to reach
    Rainbows reconnect to color unleashed
    Prism of spender

    Brilliant writing and great vivid images painted. i loved this

    1. My camera can find rainbows and prisms of light places that we do not see. Though this is not an exact landscape view it is the concept that there is light everywhere.

  6. I like your painting--it is frustrating when you can't get it to appear the right way--I have lots of trouble getting things to appear where I want them in my blogs. This looks like watercolor? Neat that you wrote a poem to go with your painting! Carry on!

    1. Actually it is Acrylic background and Oil on top of that but the Acrylic gives it a flow of light that I wanted.

  7. Replies
    1. When I saw the prompt I was so surprised that it was the poem and painting I had just finished !

  8. I love the painting. So creative! And the poem flows brilliantly throughout.

    1. Some of the painting painted it self...accidental art, but then in working with it after the words the total thing comes together.

  9. Beautiful Rae! That poem is perfect--so true the light brings out our creativity--both the painting and the poem are wonderful :-)

    1. Thanks...I will plan to repost the painting when I get it stretched ( not taped to the wall) and hope I can rotate the photo then too

  10. How unco-operative of the computer, but a fine image for all that. A beautiful duo: image and poem, made for each other.

    1. Made for each other because they are written and painted at the same time. Sometimes I start a background with no plan and then the words come and the painting is finished. Sometimes the poem and painting are started at the same time and as the paint paints the picture it also types the words.. Art With A Voice is almost a mixed media thing because I am not sure what comes first the poetry or the painting.
