Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Many Shoes

Poetry Jam

Bare Toes

I have walked in hiking boots.
Boots helped my feet to go
to mount tops above the clouds
where snowy glaciers cross the path.
From the northwest to southwest
dust and rocks and water and snow
toes hot or wet or sore or cramped
they smiled and wiggled with total glee
when boots came off and they are set free!

I have walked in high heals.
High heals helped my feet to go
across a stage or to a fancy show
to a party in a short black dress.
No complaint really formed
for the times they help me look my best.
Toes cramped and sore from the night
they are happy as can be when
in the car they wiggled themselves free!

I have gym shoes that walk with me.
Gym shoes help my feet to go
every place from day to day
to the store or bank or just at home
the comfort is great and I don't care
it they get dirty from the wear.
Toes not cramped or feeling caged
but they still find it fun
when without gym shoes they can run!

I have bike shoes that clip on tight.
These help the peddles to really go
up hill I can push and pull
down hill shoes can stand still.
Clipped to the movement
feeling the motion
toes do the work and push the weight
no wiggle allowed until done
then, they move happily in the sun!

My toes adjust to many shoes.
the beach day are their good news.
To walk in the sand without any shoes!
Ten happy campers love a sandy place
where shoes can stay in a different space.
Toes happy as can be
grass or sand or water
as long as

(just discovered I have no photos of shoes or feet ....I guess I am always looking up and not at my feet.  I will fix that and take some shoe photos.  I have the pictures in my memory just not on a camera.)


  1. I agree, sandy beaches and the freedom of that golden nectar between your toes, great felling and images, really well written.

  2. i would rather be toe free than shoed any day..

  3. Oh, I feel you on this one. Really barefoot is the way to go...especially in the sand. Nothing like the feel of sand between the toes. My Tevas (see my poem this week) are the closest thing!

  4. I know that great feeling of finally taking my shoes off in the car on the drive home- ahhh!

  5. Oh such happy toes indeed! Loved all your different shoes--and all the toes happy to be free.

  6. You, my dear have quite a collection of shoes ~~ for any/all occasions! Nice writing. Find us some photos!

  7. I'm finding a consensus here:-) Bare feet are the best, though I do love my hiking boots and running shoes! You described that sense of release beautifully :-)
