Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What Do They Say

Poetry Jam
The Owl


Who says who
Who lost the plane
Who is to blame
Who said they knew

Who says who
Who took the land
Who set the plan
Who said they knew

Who says who
Who pays for health
Who shares the wealth
Who said they knew

Who says who
Who saves the earth
Who knows its worth
Who said they knew

Who says who
Who should have a gun
Who knows they won
Who said they knew

Who says who
Who controls the start
Who hears the heart
Who said they knew

who says who
who is wise
who watches the skies

who says they know
...a birdie told me so...

 Heaven only knows


  1. Wow I really like the way this reads with all the Who sounds. It really flows.

  2. This sounds like the tv announcers going on and on about that plane.......I so wish it would turn up somewhere - the not knowing has to be so hard for the families. Loved the wordplay and repeated "who" sounds in here! Like a flock of owls digesting the daily news!

  3. I love the way the sounds create the image and paint the portrait, Very cool.

  4. Ha...very clever take on the prompt. Enjoyed this.

  5. the poem is highly owlish(cackle) with so many whos...and it's a delight to read it aloud.
    ...who knows who'll solve the mystery?...great take on the prompt...

  6. Love how you combine a playful form with some series issues ending in a classic saying. Great write.

  7. So many questions & so few answers. We always want to know just WHO????

  8. ha. def we look for who to blame...who is responsible...who should be...
    the wise i would say looks more to the skies than the constructs of man

  9. I liked how you used current events in your poem to ask the questions we often ask ourselves or are asking ourselves at the moment.

  10. I so loved the flow... The effect that who has in each line. Beautiful write.

  11. What a tongue twister you have composed ... who indeed!

  12. "Heaven only knows" who. Thought provoking.

  13. Rae, excellent take on the prompt! Who knows indeed. Great ending and Love your painting!! That is gorgeous :-)

  14. Your poetry is so unique and always gives me stuff to consider! Look WHO had fun with this prompt!

  15. An interesting and well thought out response to this prompt!
