Friday, August 22, 2014


Poetry Jam

Life’s Path

Life is not the path you take
Life is the choice you make
Life is not the breath you take
Life is the times that  chances…
came to take your breath away

Remember when you watched lightning bugs at night
Remember the time the stars took flight
Remember when the baby smiled at night
Remember the mountains in the clouds…
that came to take your breath away

If you choose to close your eyes
If changes scare you, life can pass you by
If Paths are not marked only eyes 
If hearts may see the invisible plan…
maybe it came to take your breath away

Life is short
Life’s path is long
Life is what happens as you go
Life is so much more then we can know
You can try to plan ahead and know the path
You can work hard and “do the math”
With all the planning and paving there road

something will always come to shake the “snow globe”

You may have to go around the closed path sign
You may have may have a new path to find
You may look to the sky for the sign
You don't need a plan to clap your hands
plan A is B or C
 is OK with me


  1. I like the idea that life is the time that chances came to take your breath away. It is always nice to be exhilarated by what one finds on the path of life. Glad you are back with a working computer! Smiles.

  2. I like the way you have interwoven the strands of your poem so that the message about living life to the full and enjoying its countless small pleasures comes out loud and clear!

  3. beautifully're right life is so much more than we can know...thanks for participating :)

  4. lifes choices do in many ways determine our path...or at least where that path will take us....and chance too...which comes back to our choices...always back to our choices.

  5. Some indelible lines of poetry in this piece. The repetition of “came to take your breath away” is very evocative and “something will always come to shake the “snow globe” ” – a lovely image.

    By the way your artwork is exquisite. I enjoyed the slideshow.

  6. This is a beautiful poem, Rae Ann. I like the mixture of little snapshots of your life with some 'truths' about the meaning of life. And indeed 'life is much more than we can know'.

  7. We do have to go with the flow or face a lot of frustration. Beautiful flow of words, and artwork :-)

  8. Liked the snow globe image as a change of plans or path.

  9. Many choices in life for sure--and we never know what choice will come along.
