Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We Should Walk Together

Poetry Jam
Little Foot Prints

We should walk together at the same pace!
we are all going to the same place
You can be my friend even if we don't agree
you know the future we can't foresee!

You do not have to run away
My “mother” told me the way.

The journey is long
some decisions may be wrong!
We are connected in this quest
eat with me, be my guest!

You do not have to run away
My “father” told me the way.

Natures bounty is what we seek
open your eyes, you can peek!
Together we will find the way
connected on the path we stay!

Many things will scare you
many times we may get hurt too!
Evil lives upon out lands
stay with me, we can hold hands!

Tree Stars will guide us
Rainbows will find us
Valleys will overflow
Yep Yep Yep” you know!
You are a flyer, you will not fall
Use your long neck, stand up tall

Follow the bright light
hold on with all your might!
You are smart
follow your heart!

Written by Littlefoot from The Land Before Time


  1. ah yes have watched a few off those episodes - very optimistic little fellow and determined ...

  2. What a sweet character voice to have used! Love the line - The journey is long, some decisions may be wrong - so true!!

  3. Beautiful. Love the gentility of this poem, and its message. Enjoyed the message that though there is evil out there we can hold hands. Good idea to use a children's movie character, and I think you have well captured Littlefoot's voice.

  4. Always nice to hear the good over evil.

  5. Evil is or seems to be on the news...It gets our attention and the attention of the world (Sharptooth) we need more of the positive thoughts ( Littlefoot) to come out of all of us even if when we try at first we can not fly (Petre) There is always a friend/country/grpup that wants to do it themselves (Sara) and we just have to wait to have then come and work together for the best results. I love the Land Before Time Movie (the original one...I have not even followed the next ones and kids videos that followed etc.) So much goot to be taught there!!!

  6. Love the spirit of this and am glad to be introduced to a new character for me. How nice that a kids' show character is so positive. Thanks for kicking us off here this week!

  7. Littlefoot and the Little Prince together could solve some of the problems that have taken over the news. Friendship, Love, along with knowing how to tame wild things and work with the evil lurking in dark places would be helpful. If psychology does not work then Superman can stand ready too!

  8. I agree with Robyn and also love the voice you have given this. An optimistic slant that the world needs just now.

  9. Yup yup yup! The voice in this poem is so innocent and optimistic! Well done!

  10. Aww... this made me smile. It reminds me of when my kids were little.


  11. I definitely needed a dose of optimism today!

  12. Follow the bright light - I love this and the way it is so full of happiness. Great poem

  13. I have seen quite of few of these movies myself raising 4 boys! Great voice to this--quite captures the characters, very sweet and full of encouragement!

  14. Rae, I love this and you really brought back memories--my boys loved these movies! You did an excellent job of channeling Littlefoot :-) yup, yup, yup! <3

  15. You are tugging at my heart strings for sure. My kids grew up on these movies and we always loved the song "Friends for Breakfast". :)
